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Pn 295 Recycler

H`erkow Fertility Robes

Chai Stone H`erkow Display
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Go to iGnome's Relay >
Aside from the vault dumpster fire (again) due to not enforcing a captcha.... the detection for Apex is broken (again). Been a week of trying the differents tricks to make it detect the playtime to activate the quest... Nothing works. GG not GG
Relay Challenge : exceptionnal foe.
The deadliest creature of all. Go away with your galactic gods, supersoldiers, and measly monsters.
Behold the cave of Caerbannog !
There he is !
That's no ordinary rabbit !
That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on !
He's got hugen sharp --eh -- he can leap about -- LoOk aT tHe BoNeS !!

New community event has just started, go go stack some hours.
Highest reward at 70.000 hours !

I'm kind of a relic of the past here so I thought I'd just say HI!
Inconsistency yay.
After three weeks of no steam quests working, last week it finally registered, and now with the warframe event, i let my game running all night and most of today, for around 15+ straight hours, and personnal contribution is ZERO ? WTF again !
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Alien God

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10/10 Best Gamer Alive

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