Steam quest arp not added. I 1st played "choose your game quest" for 3 hrs then after it showed completed quest but arp was not added up. 2nd i played "albion game quest" for 2 hrs but it didn't showed completed quest yesterday but today when i logged in it gave me albion quest arp (25 + 8) but "choose your game quest" has not given me ARP of (15+8). Please help me with this situation. Only 33 arp for Alibion game quest but no arp for Choose your ow
Beliar48 - 08.22.2024 07:36:50
how you got time on site 8 if max 5 ?
noone112233 - 08.22.2024 13:38:04
@Beliar48 you are interstellar. I have "15th Anniversary Exclusive- Rise With Us" artifact that is at Platinum level which increases 3 more arp for time on site. If i upgrade the artifact more then it will be increased to 4 arp.