/ 240
11.23.2024 00:38:56 -
Codasim -
To be fair, 3 minutes is an eternity here. Had you been on time when the vault opened you shouldn't have had any issues getting that one. Pity, but its a learning lesson for next time..
11.23.2024 01:21:38 -
TheShmiddy -
At the very least you'll have a bunch of ARP saved up for the next vault. But yeah, this site is popular enough now that people swarm the game vault opening so it's often purely up to luck. Good luck on the next vault though!
11.23.2024 12:43:49 -
GetKraven -
@|YunieRozier| i dont remember what got it, but something got restocked a few months ago. I randomly checked the game vault & was pleasantly surprised
11.23.2024 13:09:57 -
Tmmimitw -
wait till you grind to lvl 5 and it takes 30 seconds to be gone lol.
11.23.2024 17:54:49 -
BrandonUzumaki -
Nope, they may reapeat the game in a future Vault, but i don't think it will happen for this game. On the other hand you have some ARP for the "Christmas Vault", it's the best one of the entire year.