Does the arches artifact work if swapped midday? Or is it "one shot"? After vault day I put it back on but log only says 5 arp. I'm guessing it does not give the missing arp even though dashboard shows a higher cap?
Aradiel. - 04.21.2024 02:46:53
There's a delay between when it awards ARP and when it shows up in your log. You have to have it equipped when it is given. The higher cap is for tomorrow.
hawkeye116477 - 04.21.2024 18:25:14
Bonus is always only for next day and you also need to earn 5 ARP previous day (value from control center) to receive full value next day.
bowsettescastle - 04.22.2024 02:34:55
twitch doesn't do this - if you equip it, you can earn more. i don't see why time on site should be different since it's based on the same thing, time
Aradiel. - 04.22.2024 06:38:36
@bowsettescastle No, they're completely different. Twitch gives you 0.4 points per tick, rounded up to 1, every 3 mins you're watching Twitch. ToS is awarded at a specific time each day. If you have it equipped at that time you get a bonus.
DrowningInIt - 04.22.2024 10:58:05
@Aradiel So, do we as a community happen to know at what hour this specific time is each day? Good info to take note of so you can be sure you have that artifact equipped each day at that moment.
Aradiel. - 04.23.2024 09:36:39
It happens 1hr after the daily quest starts. There is often a long delay before it shows up in the ARP log, which is why people are getting confused.