Yeah, sure, bots looted all of the Elder Scroll keys, tnx AWA
Hellford_Rhansom - 04.06.2024 18:51:57
No, at the tier you are at, you had plenty of time to grab a key. Like the kids say "snooze ya lose".
TonyNG303 - 04.06.2024 19:04:51
Look at GA sites like Steamgifts or Indiegala, its obvious where most keys gone. Actually I was here on tier2 at 10am PT, like they said, but seems they opened GA early, because none keys left when I checked 20min before GA should start
Hellford_Rhansom - 04.06.2024 19:54:10
Not wanting to start something with you my friend but you are tier 4, you could have come in long before tier 2 started. And it's safe to assume that Bethesda handed out keys to many different companies to bring in new players.
Hellford_Rhansom - 04.06.2024 20:06:12
But Tony if you are struggling these days, and there ain't no shame in that my friend, a lot of people are, just send me your steam name and I will buy you a copy. peace
TonyNG303 - 04.06.2024 21:47:15
Thanks, but I can buy it myself if Im going to play it(not idle for event), because currently I dont have time for this huge game. My concern is about GAs have zero protection against bots, it should be activated on account or ban, like SG
Adventfire - 04.07.2024 01:43:02
I'm not a bot and I grabbed one just this morning and I'm only tier 1.
Spartan Ghost - 04.07.2024 06:19:00
i was one of the bots XD
Prosac0 - 04.07.2024 07:36:10
coming late to the party and complaining, that the music isn't playing anymore lol
TonyNG303 - 04.07.2024 10:16:02
late? I was here on tier2 and their opened it much earlier than it should be(10am PT), I checked GA at 9:40am PT, all keys already gone, sure my bad, not AWA
TonyNG303 - 04.07.2024 10:20:59
GA keys should not end up on sites like Steamgift or Indiegala!