Still waiting... ordered Alienware Plush on apr 29 2024 - ordered Alienware Dice Set on may 5 2024 - ordered Alienware Stickers on June 6 2024 - ordered Alienware Purple Pin on June 8 2024. ......... Edit.... Got an email, Oct 4 with a tracking number.
Its not yet working but should shortly......... it would be nice of formatting in these relays worked as typed.
Tabbou - 09.29.2024 09:25:30
delivered by bike, relax
nps5 - 09.29.2024 15:31:23
Yeah nothing arrived from any of my orders in early April to mid May either. It sure would be nice if anyone from AWA Admin could even respond to give us "guestimate" of when/if we could expect to get any of the things we ordered.
Fruit Punch Samurai - 09.29.2024 16:14:40
Last I heard, there was an issue with the supplier of at least one of those items.
Exacustodian - 09.29.2024 17:00:16
here in germany i order almost all products and i got them in less then a month if it helps to knew.I was expecting 3 months+
louvelyn - 09.29.2024 19:26:44
Guys, you need to shoot a new email to with all the relevant info, so they check the order's status and at least tell you where it's at. Probably also update it on their end. ^^;
louvelyn - 09.29.2024 19:27:50
@nps5 pinging you so you see the reply, this is for you too!
aliencal - 09.30.2024 00:10:50
@louvelyn - Done that a couple times including a few days before I made this post. responded a couple months ago but that's it.
louvelyn - 09.30.2024 10:51:43
@aliencal you should come to the Discord later then (during USA working hours preferably) so you can catch an admin's attention directly. Lecksea usually responds to such requests, chances are your order is stuck somewhere...
nps5 - 09.30.2024 16:16:13
Thank you louvelyn! I just sent them an email. Hopefully they respond back.
ElwoodBlues03 - 10.01.2024 13:53:04
I thought it was just me. I can't even remember how long ago I ordered the dice set. I got the sticker set in about 1 week after ordering but never even received an email confirmation after ordering the dice set.