GOG Games
Spells & Secrets
En Garde!
Hard West 2
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
% = F
! = C
- = 9
Please post if you claimed.
/ 240
10.03.2024 04:46:14 -
jk -
I think all the codes are claimed btw; they all say "This code is currently being redeemed by someone.", but based on Fruit Punch Samurai's comment that might be normal for redeemed codes
10.04.2024 01:17:06 -
psyfusion -
If there was any confusion on the keys/codes I fixed it.
10.04.2024 22:35:44 -
aliencal -
How are you adding blank lines to your post? Is there somewhere that says how to format relay posts?
10.06.2024 23:35:56 -
psyfusion -
@aliencal add spaces, like 4 to 8 and you'll get blank lines
10.07.2024 02:30:05 -
aliencal -
lol. seems all extra whitespace is being removed for me. that last one has 10 spaces between the 1 and 10. 1 20. this is 20 blanks.
10.07.2024 22:27:32 -
psyfusion -
@aliencal i only tested it on a relay post vs a comment. not sure you can even do line breaks on comments.