GOG Games Giveaway!
Choose the one you want and let me know why, will pick winners within 48 hours

The Town of Light
Overcooked! 2
The Outer Worlds
Hero's Hour
Planet of Lana
The Coma: Recut
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition
Quake II

Good luck!

Update: Winners have been chosen and PMd!
0 / 240
01.04.2025 00:18:01 - CarlosRuisu -
i want "Quake II" please :)
01.04.2025 00:23:28 - King Luiso -
I would like to participate to get 'Overcooked! 2' 'cause last year I decided to get DRM-FREE GOG games either gettin' 'em for gems o drop keys, and I am a bad cook 😂, tbh, too. Thanks in advance!
01.04.2025 00:25:54 - Girlninja -
I would be all over this, but I have most of the games already. GL all
01.04.2025 00:40:53 - KelsonMcReorie -
I throw my hat in for Planet of Lana. It has a good rating and I love story rich games. Thanks for doing this.
01.04.2025 00:59:51 - Daytraders -
Spelunky please, happy new year to you.
01.04.2025 01:21:02 - Khoznum1 -
I would love to have Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced edition. I have been playing these games ever since the first one. This would be an awesome opportunity to relive my childhood over and over again.
01.04.2025 02:01:14 - undox -
The Outer Worlds, please
01.04.2025 02:38:17 - peng2257 -
The Outer Worlds, i played similiar game like fallout and others, but not yet try this gem, good luck everyone.
01.04.2025 03:10:31 - Stygiansilence -
Baldurs gate 2 cuz I need to see if it's better than the first
01.04.2025 05:01:33 - pepeu20 -
Spelunky. Local co-op games are becoming increasingly rare, but they ensure many hours of fun. Thanks for sharing.