Announced Beast Quest game, dragons are doomed

  • 507

I may have slept on ears recent years, so I'm not familiar with the series Beast Quest that has over 120 published books and 17 million copies sold. If you have no idea what this is about, this autumn things could become a bit clearer with the game of the same name.

The official Beast Quest videogame is coming to us as an action adventure with RPG elements for PC, PS4 and XBOX on 31.10 of this year. In it we will save the mythical land of Avanti from the decay that is caused by black magic. Somewhere in that will fit the slaughter of dragons and other Pokemons.

Judging by the first trailer, the game does not look particularly appealing with mechanics, but if you're a fan of series and this is the happiest day in your life, who am I to spoil you this pleasure.

Tagged with: Fantasy themes, Kids Games, Dragons

Replies • 168


It looks pretty nice, although the graphics seem a bit too cartoonish for my taste.


It may be a popular book series, but I haven't heard of it. The target audience seems to be for young children, so that's probably why.
