Epic Store Brings 3 Sony Exclusive Games to PC

  • 86

Hi gamers,


After browsing through the Epic Store I noticed 3 great Playstation exclusive games on the store. Finally this 3 games (published by Quantic Dream) will be available through Epic Store on PC:


Detroit: Become Human

Beyond: Two Souls

Heavy Rain


The exact release date isn't known but should be this year. Of course this games are available on Epic Store only. We will see if this move brings additional players to Epic.


Game On :)



Replies • 4

On one side, that's great.
On the other side, Epic can go F themselves with the cashgrab exclusivity.

The Chaotic One

Wow, that is Epic! Though, serious question: would they really truly be 100% PC or are they 'require playstation hooked up' for it to work?

However, Epic Store is going to seriously lose Playstation heavily the moment those are up on their store since well,  any game 'exclusive' to the Epic Store is instantly taken and cracked to be uploaded to 'game sharing' sites for download. Epic Store security is so full of holes and thin, you can see right through it like it isn't even there.

razzermd said:

On one side, that's great.
On the other side, Epic can go F themselves with the cashgrab exclusivity.

I completely agree with you. I'm interested in Detroit: Become Human but I think I will not get it on Epic.
