Tell Us Why You Love Alienware Arena and get 100 ARP

  • 345


This year, Alienware has worked hard to bring you giveaway opportunities that we think you'll love. From Cyberpunk to Dead By Daylight to Call of Duty, we've been doing our best to bring you the absolute best giveaways and member rewards out there.


With the year coming to a close, we'd now love to hear from you. We're planning something BIG in January, and we're looking for short video submissions and want you to tell us what you loved this year on Alienware Arena, and why you love the Alienware Arena community. For all members who upload a quick :10-:30 second video and meet requirements, you'll be handsomely rewarded with 100 ARP and an exclusive Alienware badge. A few lucky members will have their video showcased during our big reveal in January, so stay tuned for a chance to see our community's submissions!


It takes just a few minutes to complete the form and upload your video from your phone or desktop. The submission period closes on Jan 10, 2021. ARP and badges will be awarded no later than January 15, 2021.


From the mothership to you, thank you for a wonderful year and making this community a great place to be.




  • Testimonial must mention “Alienware Arena”
  • 10-30 seconds in length
  •  Max Size 100mb
  • No background music
  • Only persons who agree to the release form can be seen or heard in the video
  • Must be 18 years of age or over

Share your video with us here!

Replies • 446

Много друзей и падарков)А также Любви)

edited 4yr


i dont want to record myself for below 1000 points x)


The Giveaways with free games or Betas, the ARP System and the daily Quest.


Share the news,game experiences and other interesting things with other peoplecool


Well, I would like to rather talk about what you guys have to improve. As Alienware as a company and on this website. I don't know what has more issues. Cyberpunk or this website ;) I send you messages about it, but nobody ever responded. So you guys turn a blind eye to constructive criticism and just want to be padded on the back? I mean we all want that, but that's not how life works. 


We talk about games with each other. I can get information and my favorite games from Alienware Arena!I love ARP!I love Alienware Arena!

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