Does Dell no longer let you convert Dell reward points into Dell dollars? On the Dell site, in the "Dell Rewards" section , there is a button that says "redeem your points" under your balance. When I click that, it just goes to a page and tells me that there are no offers available and there is no option to convert the points to Dell dollars. I searched all over the Dell site and can't find any way to convert the points.
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10.06.2024 03:12:34 - bmurray75 -
They must be working on something, it was there the other day.
10.06.2024 06:16:45 - MARSM4N -
Did it just an hour ago, worked fine. Maybe you're on the wrong page?
10.06.2024 09:29:08 - spirited -
About two months ago, I cash in some Dell Rewards, and I didn't even have to buy Dell dollars manually. There was an option to pay with rewards, and that automatically did the conversion.
10.06.2024 10:11:27 - OiFrog -
Although I'm new here, I think only certain countries (US, Canada and UK maybe) can redeem them. If still having trouble try the Discord server for help
10.06.2024 11:37:03 - maramire -
I am in the USA and I get the same message. But I also have Dell dollars sitting there and when you don't use them, you lose them after they expire.
10.06.2024 13:55:44 - TurdFerguson87 -
I saw that the other day. Nothing to worry about. You don't have to convert. Buy something, and if it's underbudget and you can use the points to cover the cost anyway, it will be done automatically for you. All peachy.
10.06.2024 13:58:20 - TurdFerguson87 -
@MARSM4N I don't know what to tell you, but at least with the US site, you're automatically redirected to the page. It is blank. The only way to get them automatically converted and used is to buy something.
10.06.2024 15:59:41 - nps5 -
I've tried using Chrome, Incognito Mode, and Edge but it goes to the same special promotions page as the OP. It also won't let me add items to my cart either. It just opens a new tab and says it can't add them to my cart because of a
10.06.2024 16:02:22 - nps5 -
technical error and to try again later. It really sucks because I have a bunch of points that expire on 10/15/24.
10.06.2024 17:07:40 - AllTracTurbo -
The issue is that I have some points expiring on the 15th of this month and I want to convert them to Dell dollars so that I don't lose them. Once they are converted, they won't expire for another 4 months.