I was thinking about starting a new “space game” and I don't know which one. Right now I have these games ready to start: No man's sky, Elite dangerous + Oddysey,Mass Effect Legendary Edition, X4 Foundations and Eve online, and maybe I can get Star Citizen. I know that games like star citizen, x4 foundations, eve online and elite dangerous are less friendly than say mass effect or no mans sky so I need recommendations to get started, get used to it and then jump to the hard ones.
hbarkas - 12.10.2024 06:12:52
All good games in their own right. No Man's Lie, Elite Tedious , X4, Eve and SC are more on the write your own story side while ME is a story driven game. Besides, never having played Mass Effect might be viewed as an education gap.
iGnome - 12.10.2024 09:57:36
It's not on your list, but i'd suggest you take a look at two of my all-time favs : EVERSPACE and Galaxy On Fire 2 HD. And maybe an oldie but still a classic masterpiece : FreeSpace 2.
Tmmimitw - 12.10.2024 11:22:07
please don't get star citizen, like never, not now, not next year, maybe in 20 years when it launches.
Tmmimitw - 12.10.2024 11:24:17
i'd recommend no man's sky since it's end of the year expeditions time, one of the few times u can see other players and have a tailored fast track experience.
Wintercycle - 12.10.2024 19:52:53
I jumped into Ed blind once and the learning curve isn't as bad as say DCS. Even so, NMS is probably better altogether. Elite is kind of very Space Truck Simulator with barely any social glue, even pretend NPC glue
Wintercycle - 12.10.2024 19:53:55
Also agree with iGnome's rec of FreeSpace 2
Thalatash - 12.10.2024 20:08:32
I just started No Man's Sky just over a month ago and I am loving it! There is so much to do (as a newbie, I guess) that when I think I've done everything then I discover some new activities, like the freighters, then colonies.
Thalatash - 12.10.2024 20:11:37
Also, it's not first person, but Starsector is a pretty great space game. It's not on Steam yet, which sucks so you have to get it on their site, but it is really in depth and fun. Star Valor is on Steam, but not as in depth but still good.
Aardvarkk1 - 12.11.2024 15:42:01
I agree with Tmmimitw, stay away from Star Citizen until it/when it launches. It was supposed to launch in 2014 and has been eating people money. Wait for the reviews.
hillberd - 12.12.2024 13:51:25
Kerbal Space program is like the definition of getting started in space?