GOG Games Giveaway!
Choose the one you want and let me know why, will pick winners within 48 hours.

Tomb Raider: Underworld
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
Shogun Showdown
Sir Whoopass: Immortal Death

Good luck!

Update: Winners have been chosen and PMd, thanks!
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01.07.2025 01:30:53 - Khoznum1 -
I would love to have tomb raider underworld 🤩. It’s my favorite game out of all the other ones. When I was a kid growing up I remember staying up all night beating this game and the other ones too surrounded by good friends.
01.07.2025 03:26:31 - TurdFerguson87 -
Oh man, Tomb Raider: Underworld would certainly add to my collection across Steam and EGS. The only other things I'm missing are Lara Croft GO and Anniversary as far as PC is concerned. IDK about the IV-VI Remaster just yet though..
01.07.2025 04:56:38 - Afford1 -
I would love to have Sir Whoopass: Immortal Death. It looks like a silly and fun game to play!
01.07.2025 05:15:35 - JDMcC -
I have all these, but it's mighty nice of you to make the offer.
01.07.2025 06:16:11 - bigboss-62 -
Not in. But nice giveaway;)
01.07.2025 06:59:12 - ButtaBed -
The Hilarious Hack & Slasher, Sir Whoopass: Immortal Death. Looks like an entertaining co-op for some quick fun and laughs!
01.07.2025 07:51:25 - DepthOfGnosis -
call of Juarez
01.07.2025 10:21:52 - Electric Samurai -
Hi. Tomb Raider Underworld please. I'm in a really big retro gaming period and this is the only episode what is missing from the Tomb Raider series. Anyway thank you for the nice giveaway!
01.07.2025 14:16:57 - michaudjo -
Sir Whoopass: Immortal Death looks like a super fun game. I always loved wild games like this ever since DeathSpank came out for the Xbox 360.
01.07.2025 14:29:56 - StrawBearry -
I'm down for Call of Juarez: Gunslinger. I've been craving for some western feeling games. I played a lot of Red Dead Redemption on PS3 and I'm currently playing the first Call of Juarez, it's got that old game jank I like