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I taste like crunchy toejam sauteed in vinegar.

If it increases the number of games appearing in the Giveaways section, then I would not mind seeing more of Epic Games on AWA. 🤩

(Crime Boss: Rockay City is for Tier 4+ members)
Parzival. - 12.05.2024 18:46:24
How can I see when I'll get to Tier 4?
Thalatash - 12.05.2024 19:41:59
@Parzival You need 12,000 total lifetime ARP for tier 4. Then 18,000 for tier 5. Go Rewards-> Arena Rewards and then scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to see the numbers yourself
Thalatash - 12.05.2024 19:45:45
Aren't game keys for Epic new? I don't think I've ever seen an Epic game key before.
TurdFerguson87 - 12.05.2024 19:47:04
@Thalatash I think this is a first, unless I missed one some time ago. Rare, if ever. I'm disappointed it wasn't a Steam key, because that's the only version that is available for GFN.
easyrhino - 12.05.2024 22:37:57
anyone actually played this game? it seems like a bootleg meme version of GTA but haven't actually tried it
MARSM4N - 12.05.2024 22:47:30
@Thalatash If it's even a key. F.e. Amazon Prime giveaways for EPIC are only activated via link. @TurdFerguson87 The game (incl. all but 2 DLC's) is currently in the Humble Bundle, plus keys are dumped on resale for ~2 bucks (see GGDeals).
MARSM4N - 12.05.2024 22:52:29
@easyrhino It's more like a "poor Man's Payday 2" with boomer action heroes in it. But still better than the trash release "Payday 3".
TurdFerguson87 - 12.06.2024 02:00:43
@MARSM4N I'm not interested in buying. The giveaway here is an Epic key, as clearly stated on the page. This is not Amazon Prime nor Humble.
CitizenXLVIII - 12.06.2024 04:54:02
@Thalatash It might be for giveaways but we've seen them in the Game Vault before. The base game of Crime Boss: Rockay City was offered before and I bought it here. It was a redeemable key like Steam.
Thalatash - 12.06.2024 05:34:53
@CitizenXLVIII I didn't know that. I didn't even know there was a "Redeem a Code" place on Epic until using it for this game. It would be nice if they kept using them, because I get doubles from Prime and wish I could give them away.