Dell Reward Points issue. I have 1000 DRP I was gonna transfer into DR cash but there's no longer a button for exchanging them anymore and it's been gone for over a week.
This happened before but only lasted a weekend this feels different,
did they change how that works and I didn't notice?
Or is the feature just not working properly right now possibly and was just wondering if anyone knew anything or even is having a similar issue. (I'm also in Canada since I know each region has small differences)
No way to exchange points?
0 / 240
10.24.2024 21:39:06 - TurdFerguson87 -
You've got 13 months. Use it wisely.
10.25.2024 00:47:30 - DrowningInIt -
So this is a problem their support wouldn't provide a good answer for in my anecdotal experience. I lost 958 DRP due to not being able to turn them into dell dollars. The only way I prevented losing all 2000 by adding items like an adapter
10.25.2024 00:55:23 - DrowningInIt -
The adapter=$11 total at checkout & DRP=8k, I was able to redeem like 1142DRP>Dell$ by using the "Apply Rewards?" option above the checkout button, making it an option in the payment section, then left the cart behind & myaccount= 11.42D$
10.25.2024 02:12:41 - jbainbridge -
@DrowningInIt glad you saved them.
10.25.2024 07:11:35 - VenturousGamer -
Congrats on the points but unfortunately you'll have to use the amount owed for any particular product from now on. It sucks that's what it is now but that's what we're forced to do at this point. I hope you'll use them before they expired!