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Steam quest for DOTA2, but when i try to open it, i receive a warning that i need to have the game. I have it already in my steam library..Can this be fixed?
Eudicots - 02.12.2024 17:04:58
I just left dota on for a bit (about 20 minutes) then I clicked check games and it started working for me.
Augestflex - 02.12.2024 17:07:45
I'll give that a try as I was dismayed it wouldn't show it in the quest area when ever resyncing games and trying again.
PouffyPlacebo - 02.12.2024 17:43:39
I'm having a similar problem. Quest states that I need to own the game, but I"ve already played for 4 hours today.
yoko666 - 02.12.2024 18:30:50
Yes, doing the same as Eudicots work for me too
LaNeTH - 02.12.2024 19:31:48
Yeah same... I started the quest and left playing, now it shows I don't have Dota 2...
Atkray - 02.12.2024 21:46:18
Having same issue. I decided to test and did Dota 2 as the choose your own quest and it completed and added 15 ARP in control panel.
falldamage - 02.13.2024 03:45:07
I have the exact same problem! will write if I find a fix
Augestflex - 02.13.2024 05:25:01
So playing for awhile caused it to show up in AWA and for me to be able to launch it from the Steam Quest page in AWA, however despite multiple extended play sessions I still see ZERO (0) time credit for it in AWA. weird.