Keyboard idea for arrow key gamers. In the "Fireside Chat" video posted today, you said that we can use Alienware Area to give you input about new ideas or products we want you to make. How about a keyboard that will allow gamers who use the arrow keys for movement to have more useable keys by simply moving a group of keys a tiny bit. If you look up "keyboard 5107", you will find this keyboard with branding from HP or Compaq. (Continued in comments because of dumb character limit)
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10.22.2024 01:45:27 - AllTracTurbo -
If you look above the arrow keys, you will see that the group of 9 keys has been moved down by one row. This simply removes the gap that is there on just about every other keyboard in the world.
10.22.2024 01:46:28 - AllTracTurbo -
I only need the 6 bindable keys directly above the arrows since the other 3 can't be bound. The top row of 3 keys can either be moved down like they are on this keyboard or left up next to the F keys.
10.22.2024 01:47:32 - AllTracTurbo -
Having these 6 keys just above the arrows allows you to bind controls to them and use them without moving your hand off the arrow keys. I also use control, shift, and some of the numpad, so they need to stay close as well.
10.22.2024 01:48:36 - AllTracTurbo -
Also, + and - volume keys are a must. Actual buttons, not a knob or scroll wheel, those are horrible.
10.22.2024 01:52:31 - AllTracTurbo -
This is the only option I have like this, so I bought a couple spares. The issue is that they connect with PS2, which my motherboard doesn't even have, so I have to use a PS2 to USB adapter and there are no good stable ones that I know of.
10.22.2024 02:31:57 - TurdFerguson87 - one?
10.22.2024 02:55:01 - AllTracTurbo -
@TurdFerguson87 I don't know what you are asking. I own 3 of the one pictured, but they were manufactured like 20 years ago and use a PS2 connection. Nobody else makes keyboards with this layout. Mechanical keys would be nice too.
10.22.2024 03:02:29 - bmurray75 -
@AllTracTurbo I have a Razer Tartarus V2 that I've been playing games on. When I try to use WSAD, I can't reprogram myself away from the typing "home" keys. The Tartarus keys are in line too. I wonder if you would like something like that.
10.22.2024 04:23:24 - TurdFerguson87 -
@AllTracTurbo I don't know what to tell you. I have a G110. USB. It's not even 10 years old. I have standard generic keyboards that have the same thing except programmable buttons.
10.22.2024 05:28:19 - AllTracTurbo -
@bmurray75 Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm not looking for that drastic of a change. I've been gaming on the arrow keys since the 90s and don't want to change. I just don't understand why they all have a gap above the arrow keys.