I want to save for a new monitor using Dell reward points, but if they expire within 3 months I don't see if it's worth doing it. Can Dell reward points from the marketplace, or won on alienware arena games, can they be extended longer after expire date so I can keep saving?
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03.06.2024 03:31:51 - Zero3ffect -
When your DRP is close to expiring you can roll them over to Dell Dollars which gives you another 3 months.
03.06.2024 03:40:03 - Dreamcast_ -
@Zero3ffect, I currently have 1000 DRP I won from alienware arena playing weekly game a while ago, I did get a message it will expire soon from Dell, how do I roll them over to Dell Dollars which gives you another 3 months?
03.06.2024 04:03:36 - Zero3ffect -
@Dreamcast_ go to My Account on the Dell website and click Redeem Points. On next page up top click Dell Dollars to convert. Note that you can only convert every 1000 DRP ($10).
03.06.2024 06:13:00 - Dreamcast_ -
@Zero3ffect I have never brought any Dell reward points from the marketplace yet, only won from playing weekly game, but should you wait to buy these DRP until the very Ends day in the marketplace, and do they refresh for new DRP ones?
03.06.2024 06:22:45 - Dreamcast_ -
@Zero3ffect Do you know when DRP refresh in the marketplace, is it every 90 days?
03.06.2024 09:25:32 - TiaguX84 -
you and many other people are very lucky, as I'm European I can't exchange my ARP's for DELL stuff, I hope they can fix that because it's unfair that some have access to it and others don't.
03.06.2024 15:01:52 - Zero3ffect -
@Dreamcast_ If you want to stack as much DRP as possible I'd buy them close to the end (like a 3 or so days left just in case) and yes it is now every 3 months for marketplace refresh.
03.06.2024 18:34:10 - MysteriousMrX -
DRP refresh is every 90 days now (they stepped it up from twice a year), and the next one should be May 1st.
03.07.2024 03:04:43 - Dreamcast_ -
@Zero3ffect Thanks for all the reply, and the info, helped a lot.
03.07.2024 03:06:11 - Dreamcast_ -
@MysteriousMrX Thanks for the info