/ 240
03.28.2024 17:49:05 -
bzhknight -
Personnaly i don't, 24h is too much of a cooldown, if i change to optimize, ill end up loosing point the next day because i didn't get my twitch or daily logn etc, sooo it will end up for naught. I only do it for the Vault opening for -15 %
03.28.2024 18:40:22 -
monknl -
ah yes ofc your totally right makes no sense. Only swap it around during weekends when there's no discord polls
03.28.2024 19:06:31 -
TheShmiddy -
Same. I only swap in a +8 Steam Quest ARP on the weekends and then when the game vault opens I equip the full -15% set. Otherwise I use the same 3 each day: +twitch ARP, + daily ARP, +Discord ARP
03.28.2024 23:36:54 -
Zero3ffect -
While I never sat down to figure it out I believe you could do daily swaps to get both extra Discord ARP and the +2 Twitch ARP. The bigger question is if it is worth the hassle?
03.29.2024 04:15:03 -
StompsDaWombat -
I have been, because I invested the ARP to buy the Artifacts and Fragments to upgrade them, but it's probably not really worth the hassle. I mean, it's only an extra 60 ARP per month.