I'm new here. Have a great year everyone!
allukas - 01.06.2025 09:39:09
You tuu
King Luiso - 01.06.2025 14:51:42
Welcomin'! and have fun 'un!
Fireware21 - 01.06.2025 19:40:26
Nemen7 - 01.07.2025 01:18:44
Good to have you, Welcome
Beeps! - 01.07.2025 21:41:16
Welcome in, bucko!
titomalkavian - 01.08.2025 03:06:15
Welcome! Thanks for the votes, I also hope you have a great year! I wish you good luck in your journey here. I recommend you see the following guide:
louvelyn - 01.08.2025 21:06:20
Welcome! Don't hesitate to come to the Discord for help, questions or tips! o/
Fireware21 - 01.14.2025 06:24:37
Thanks to all of you!