Nobody gives a shit ThaReP Come Spoilers Profesional 2 When seems that someone disabled the IA or something like that. Reply Send PM Replies • 3 TheHermanator Lunar LOL blackdochia Interstellar The odd things in Kingdom Come: Deliverance:) Still, a nice game to play. ThaReP Come Spoilers Profesional blackdochia said: The odd things in Kingdom Come: Deliverance:) Still, a nice game to play. Half of history missions are so buggy that sometimes you have to load an old savedata, happened to me plenty of times and lose a lot of hours of play. And yes, other aspects of the game i enjoy it a lot but.... it's a very very very very buggy game. Edit Post
ThaReP Come Spoilers Profesional blackdochia said: The odd things in Kingdom Come: Deliverance:) Still, a nice game to play. Half of history missions are so buggy that sometimes you have to load an old savedata, happened to me plenty of times and lose a lot of hours of play. And yes, other aspects of the game i enjoy it a lot but.... it's a very very very very buggy game.