It would be nice if we could get a comment on the botting issue. More specifically: when it comes to the game vault. I only get sad now, knowing that any of the games that I actually am interested in will be gone as fast as they have been the last few months, in a few milliseconds after launching.
hawkeye116477 - 11.01.2024 16:10:22
I think might be no "botting issue", but simply there aren't so much copies of games and people might be faster than you.
Fruit Punch Samurai - 11.01.2024 16:56:11
Maybe the staff is thinking it would be nice if the members that claim "bots took everything" would actually provide evidence that bots took everything. 🤔
StompsDaWombat - 11.01.2024 18:17:36
They have commented on it. Both Cartire and Pylawn (maybe even some of the other AWA staff) have said that bots aren't stealing all the keys. It's a matter of high demand (thousands of users) and low supply (maybe 100 keys per big game).
MARSM4N - 11.01.2024 21:03:57
Let's assume there are no professional bots, or "script kiddies" (which I hightly doubt), the current system still isn't fair as it favours the ones with a better iNet connection who are the closest to the server.
Thalatash - 11.02.2024 00:28:33
Look at the leaderboards. I think I'm about average and for the month (that just started) I'm 2300ish, so I assume (conservative) probably 3-4000 active users. Even half of that coming at the same exact time would test most sites, I think
cmk666 - 11.02.2024 14:00:10
This topic getting ridiculous about complaining about bots because people didn't get a key they wanted due to very high demand with thousands of users trying to get that as well. And people who get a key are deemed as bots.
Badfluffster - 11.05.2024 15:47:15
@cmk666 a key, sure but two or more? I've seen these keys surface on a steam key giveaway site. Same user seems to be super lucky getting at least one key every month if not more to turn around and give away to promote their YT or twitch