Bye Bye Badges. Hello New Toys. Planned Maintenance Announcement.

Gonna get straight to the brass tacks.  Badges are being retired.  We're removing all of them.  If you purchased a badge from the marketplace, you will be compensated for your purchase and all ARP returned. We will begin this process today and it will be running for awhile.

We'll also be going offline tomorrow (1/23/24) for around 4 hours (give or take) so we can bring you guys some new goodies and improvements. 

Please be patient with us as we roll out these new changes as we may experiences some compatibility issues and other bugs that might creep up once a hundred thousand people start playing with them.  We'll share more information after the updates tomorrow. 



Badges going bye bye.  
Site going offline on Tuesday for schedule maintenance. 
New stuff coming.


Happy Gaming, 
Alienware Arena 

Replies • 142


I don't even use them but still kinda wonder "why get rid of them?"

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